TOPTEX Square and Round Dance Assocaition History
The Panhandle area had two square dance associations before 1980. Formed in 1948, the two areas were the Panhandle Square Dance Association (PSDA) and the Amarillo Square and Rouind Dance Council (ASRDC).
The PSDA was associated
with the Texas State Federation of Square and Round Danceers
(TSFSRD). They had four jamborees a year in different locations. The area was
divided into five districts, each having a Vice-President. The area was later
divided into North and South districts and a Vice-President in each.
The other association in Amarillo was the ASRDC. This
group held nine dances a year in different locations, and used traveling callers.
In 1985 the Board of Directors decided it was time to consider forming a new association to consolidate the two existing associations into one. A three couple committee, from each association was appointed by each association president. After meeting several times a constitution and by-laws were written and approved by the committee. The by-laws were then presented to the Board of Directors of the two associations. They were approved, and the Top Tex Square and Round Dance Association was founded in September, 1985 (TTSRDA). The first presidents were Dean and Dee Carpenter, and Presidents-Elect were Bob and Anita O'Donnell.
As the years have passed the panhandle area of Texas has hosted state conventions in 1969, 1975, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1997, and 2005.
H. G. (Red) and Wanda Nobles served as TSFSRD President in 1972-73, and Ed and Angie McCreary in 1984-84.
TTSRDA Past Presidents
& Dee Carpenter Bob
& Anita O'Donald Noel
& Billye Long H.
G. (Red) & Wanda Nobles
& Ruth Hillier Ed
& Coneth Thames Bill
& Sandra Penn Larry
& Karen Stowers Gerald
& Mary Stockstill Ken
& Judy Grant Jeff
& Denise Gulde |
Ray & Janet Coleman
& Pat
& Carolyn Evers Steve
& Nance Turner |
& Susan Irlbeck Jimmy
& Jo Gouge Bobby
Patrick |
& Jean Parker |
& Dena Hayward Robert
& Marilyn Mitchell Curtis
& Ruth Rutledge Karla